Successful off-market bolt-on acquisition
Our client is a substantial soft-services business that operates across the UK supporting a number of customers in both the private and public sectors.
The CEO appointed us as he wished to expand his business into a complementary sector but had no time to identify a shortlist of groups or to approach them and carry out an initial assessment.
With our access to detailed market research on the FM industry and the ability to confidentially approach key decision makers, we quickly identified a company that we felt suited the objectives of our client.
After arranging initial meetings and supporting the discussions, we were able to let the specialist advisers of our client and the vendor carry out the necessary due diligence activities and complete a purchase.
Our client is pleased with the results as it allowed him to carry out his day-to-day role as CEO of a large group and to complete an off-market purchase quickly, with no disruption to either his own or the vendor’s clients and staff.
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