Tactical support and project management of a deal
Our overseas client, who was highly versed in acquisitions and disposals, had identified a need for a bolt-on business in the UK to increase the geographic coverage of their existing company based in the North of England.
Whilst their own internal research had identified a number of targets, our own research and knowledge of the market added to this.
After an initial review, we were able to quickly draw up a shortlist of businesses to approach given the success criteria agreed and the scores applied to each company against those criteria. This gave us a clear priority list that the management agreed to.
From this, the internal team started to calculate potential offers and investment approvals while we conducted ‘on the ground’ face-to-face meetings with the potential sellers so we could assess the appetite to sell, key success factors and next steps.
We fed back results as we worked, but also consolidated these into a final report setting out all the businesses we approached and a revised priority list. The internal team used this to then agree their own priority list with their board.
Once the set of targets were approached, we then provided an independent project management role whereby we ensured that all parties were working to a common programme, that actions were progressed and key issues addressed in time.
We were also able to reduce ‘team tensions’ as our role was not advising on the deal or the financials.