Quick off-market disposal
Our client had invested in a non-core services business that had only just broken even for a number of years, but that now required further shareholder funds to maintain adequate cash-flow.
After an initial meeting with our client, we were able to provide a quick assessment as it had reached the point when further capital would have to be invested into the business; it was important for our client to understand his options so he could determine the level of commitment he could make.
Our analysis revealed that for the business to meet expectations, the capital injection required was substantially greater than expected and that further investment would also be needed very quickly given the changes needed to turn the business around.
Given our client’s other business priorities, we agreed on the more radical but appropriate alternative of an exit strategy for our client.
By identifying the key value sections within the business, we were able to approach potential buyers for whom these areas represented significant value, which resulted in a quick sale that achieved our client’s objectives.