Increased profit and cash generation within 18 months of appointment
Our client had been a successful technical installation and service business, but its profitability had decreased and growth had stagnated despite increased expenditure in sales and on marketing. Although the company had launched new sales materials and a refreshed website with detailed videos explaining their services, neither turnover nor profit had grown.
At the same time, profitability had actually decreased despite the fact that our client had many long-term contracts that on first assessment should have been profitable.
The owners had reached a point where they couldn’t improve the organisation and were considering selling the business whilst it was still profitable.
Through several meetings we identified a range of options for the business and the owners so they could agree which route to take. We then carried out a number of operational assessments on the business and from this we drew up an agreed ‘plan of action’, which allowed the owners to take forward the changes we recommended.
The end result has been that they increased profitability, enhanced cash generation and improved sales over the course of 18–24 months.